Executive Orders
– Executive Order 10 — Gov. Mike Kehoe declares a State of Emergency and activates the Missouri State Emergency Operations Plan due to forecasted severe winter storm systems and exempts hours of service requirements for vehicles transporting agricultural products
– Executive Order 9 — Gov. Mike Kehoe directs the Commissioner of Administration to ensure all flags of the United States and the State of Missouri are flown at full staff at all state buildings and grounds on January 20, 2025 for a period of 24 hours.
– Executive Order 8 — Gov. Mike Kehoe declares a State of Emergency and activates the Missouri State Emergency Operations Plan and exempts hours of service requirements for vehicles transporting residential heating fuel until February 2, 2025.
– Executive Order 7 — Gov. Mike Kehoe orders the Department of Corrections and the Missouri Parole Board to assemble a working group to develop recommendations to rulemaking for the parole process.
– Executive Order 6 — Gov. Mike Kehoe orders the Director of the Department of Public Safety and the Superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol to modify the Patrol’s salary schedule by reducing the time of service required to reach the top salary tier from 15 years o
– Executive Order 5 — Gov. Mike Kehoe directs the Department of Public Safety in collaboration with the Missouri State Highway Patrol to include immigration status in the state’s uniform crime reporting system and to facilitate the collection of such information across the sta
– Executive Order 4 — Gov. Mike Kehoe directs the Director of the Department of Public Safety in collaboration with the Superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol to establish and maintain a memorandum of understanding with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and
– Executive Order 3 — Gov. Mike Kehoe establishes the “Blue Shield Program” within the Department of Public Safety to recognize local governments committed to public safety within their community.
– Executive Order 2 — Gov. Mike Kehoe establishes “Operation Relentless Pursuit,” a coordinated law enforcement initiative.