
Today, in an effort to leave state government better than he found it, Governor Mike Parson has signed Executive Order 24-11, which rescinds 177 past executive orders that are no longer necessary or applicable. These orders date back to the 1980s with many being past state of emergency declarations or found to be in conflict with changes to state law and/or Missouri and U.S. Courts' opinions.

Today, Governor Mike Parson and First Lady Teresa Parson announced that the final Parson Family Fall Festival and Trick-or-Treating at the People’s House will be held at the Missouri Governor’s Mansion on Saturday, October 26, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. The outdoor event will feature several vendors, children's activities, and bluegrass musical entertainment.

Today, Governor Mike Parson ordered the U.S. and Missouri flags to be flown at half-staff at government buildings in St. Charles County and at all emergency medical stations in Missouri on Saturday, October 19, 2024, to honor St. Charles County Ambulance District Paramedic Michael R. Clarke.  

Today, the State of Missouri was notified by the State of Florida that both Missouri National Guard (MONG) and Department of Public Safety (DPS) resources previously offered for Hurricane Milton response efforts are no longer required. Yesterday, Governor Mike Parson announced that the MONG and DPS were preparing to deploy resources to assist the State of Florida. In light of Hurricane Milton being less impactful than previously expected, the State of Florida has canceled its Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) request that Missouri was responding to.

Today, Governor Mike Parson ordered the U.S. and Missouri flags to be flown at half-staff at government buildings in the City of St. Louis and all sheriffs’ offices in Missouri on Friday, October 11, 2024, to honor St. Louis City Sheriff’s Office Deputy Dennis Boyd.

Today, in response to an Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) request from the State of Florida, Governor Mike Parson has ordered 100 Missouri National Guard (MONG) members, 21 Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) Troopers and civilian support staff, and five Missouri Disaster Medical Assistance Team (MO DMAT-1) members to Florida to aid Hurricane Milton response efforts.

Today, Governor Mike Parson ordered the U.S. and Missouri flags to be flown at half-staff at government buildings in the City of St. Louis, St. Louis County, and at all police stations across Missouri on Saturday, October 5, to honor St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Officer David Lee III.

Today, Governor Mike Parson announced judicial appointments to the 11th, 25th, and 29th Judicial Circuits.

William M. Byrnes, of Wentzville, will be appointed as Associate Circuit Judge for the 11th Judicial Circuit.

Today, Governor Mike Parson ordered the Missouri State Capitol dome lighted red from sunset on Saturday, October 5, until sunrise on Sunday, October 6, 2024, in honor of Missouri’s fallen firefighters.

Today, Governor Mike Parson ordered U.S. and Missouri flags be flown at half-staff at government buildings in Platte and Jackson counties, the Fire Fighters Memorial of Missouri in Kingdom City, and firehouses statewide on Wednesday, September 25, from sunrise to sunset in honor of Kansas City Fire Department Firefighter/Paramedic Kyle Brinker.