Legislative Actions

Legislative Actions listed on this page are only the bills and resolutions on which the Governor has taken action. Bills and resolutions which did not make it to the Governor’s office can be found on the House and Senate Legislation web page.

Action Taken
Bill Type
2024 Regular Session
Legislation Summary
SB 912

To repeal sections 42.051, 115.085, 143.174, 143.175, 173.239, 301.142, 301.3030, 301.3061, and 302.188, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof forty-four new sections relating to military affairs, with a delayed effective date for a certain section and existing penalty provisions.

 — Signed by Governor

SB 1453

To amend chapter 227, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to designations marked by the department of transportation.

 — Signed by Governor

SB 751

To amend chapter 376, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to the distribution of 340B drugs.

 — Passed without signature

SB 802

To amend chapter 620, RSMo, by adding thereto seven new sections relating to rural workforce development incentives.

 — Signed by Governor

SB 1111

To repeal sections 210.201, 210.211, 210.252, and 210.275, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof ten new sections relating to the regulation of child care.

 — Signed by Governor

SB 1359

To repeal sections 95.280, 95.285, 95.355, 205.160, 205.165, 205.190, 208.151, 303.425, 303.430, 303.440, 361.700, 361.705, 361.707, 361.711, 361.715, 361.718, 361.720, 361.723, 361.725, 361.727, 362.245, 362.1010, 362.1015, 362.1030, 362.1035, 362.1040, 362.1055, 362.1060, 362.1085, 362.1090, 362.1095, 362.1100, 362.1105, 362.1110, 362.1115, 362.1116, 362.1117, 374.190, 375.020, 376.427, 376.1345, 379.1640, 408.035, 408.140, 442.210, and 456.950, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof eighty-four new sections relating to financial institutions, with penalty provisions.

 — Signed by Governor

SB 872

To repeal sections 67.2677, 67.5122, and 143.121, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof four new sections relating to the taxation of utility infrastructure.

 — Signed by Governor

SB 756

To repeal section 137.1050, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof one new section relating to a property tax credit for certain seniors.

 — Signed by Governor

SB 895

To amend chapters 67 and 534, RSMo, by adding thereto two new sections relating to landlord tenant proceedings.

 — Signed by Governor

SB 754

To repeal sections 211.031, 211.071, 217.345, 217.690, 547.031, 556.021, 558.016, 558.019, 568.045, 571.015, 571.070, 575.010, 575.353, 578.007, 578.022, 579.065, 579.068, 590.192, 590.653, 600.042, and 610.140, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof twenty-nine new sections relating to public safety, with penalty provisions and a delayed effective date for a certain section.

 — Signed by Governor

SB 894

To repeal sections 536.300, 536.303, 536.305, 536.310, 536.315, 536.323, 536.325, and 536.328, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof ten new sections relating to the promotion of business development.

 — Signed by Governor

SB 727

Creates and modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

 — Signed by Governor