Governor Parson Signs Five Bills into Law

JULY 9, 2024

 — This afternoon, during a bill signing at the State Capitol, Governor Mike Parson signed five bills into law: House Bill (HB) 1912, Senate Bill (SB) 872, HB 2134/1956, HB 2062, and SB 895.

"We thank Missouri legislators and the bill sponsors for getting each of these quality pieces of legislation to my desk," Governor Parson said. "Together, these bills represent our efforts to ensure a cleaner environment, a more simple and fair tax code, and, above all, our commitment to standing with Missourians in safeguarding their personal property rights against squatters and those whose aim to take what others have worked hard to achieve."

The five bills Governor Parson signed into law are as follows:

  • HB 1912 – taxation of past-through entities. 
    • Clarifies how s-corporation resident income tax credits are determined and applied.
    • Clarifies processes and provides definition changes for the SALT Parity Act.
  • SB 872 – taxation of utility infrastructure.
    • Extends the Small Wireless Facility Development Act.
    • Provides an income tax deduction for federal broadband grants.
    • Provides a sales tax exemption for electricity production, extending current exemptions to cooperatives and smaller companies.
  • HB 2134/1956 – relating to water pollution.
    • Corrects existing loopholes in state law regarding application of certain industrial waste byproducts on agricultural land by changing facility definitions, expanding regulations on industrial waste storage, establishing a Nutrient Management Technical Standard, and requiring annual sampling.
  • HB 2062 – relating to the use of real property. 
    • Establishes the Protecting Missouri's Small Businesses Act.
    • Strengthens the rights of personal property owners against squatters.
    • Restricts Home Owner's Associations from prohibiting backyard chicken flocks.
    • Prohibits local government from requiring churches and nonprofits to install electric vehicle charging stations.
  • SB 895 – relating to landlord-tenant actions.
    • Provides that no county, municipality, or political subdivision shall impose or enforce a moratorium on eviction proceedings unless specifically authorized by federal or state law.

For additional provisions and more information on the legislation signed into law, visit or

Governor Parson Signs Four Bills into Law

JULY 9, 2024

 — This morning, during a bill signing at the State Capitol, Governor Mike Parson signed four bills into law: House Bill (HB) 2057, Senate Bill (SB) 894, SB 756, and SB 754.

"We are proud to sign these bills today, demonstrating the General Assembly's and Governor's Office's commitment to good governance," Governor Parson said. "We are especially proud to finally get Blair's Law across the finish line once and for all. Unrelated provisions forced our hand in preventing passage last year, but this year, we celebrate a yearslong effort by Blair's family and friends to help ensure such a tragedy doesn't happen again."

The four bills Governor Parson signed into law are as follows:

  • HB 2057 – municipal franchise fees for video service providers
    • Exempts streaming providers (e.g. Netflix) from paying separate local use fees in addition to those already levied on video service providers.
  • SB 894 – promotion of business development.
    • Establishes the Right to Start Act, Small Business Regulatory Fairness Act, Office of Entrepreneurship, and Regulatory Sandbox Act.
  • SB 756 – clarifies the language of SB 190 (passed last year) for political subdivisions when providing property tax relief to seniors.
  • SB 754 – relating to public safety.
    • Establishes Blair's Law, Max's Law, and Valentine's Law.
    • Ensures matching punishment under the law for drug trafficking of crack cocaine and powder cocaine.
    • Creates stricter punishments for armed criminal action, repeat offenders, endangering the welfare of a child, and unlawful firearm possession.

For additional provisions and more information on the legislation signed into law, visit or

Governor Parson Signs SB 1388, Supporting Billions in Business Investment

JULY 8, 2024

 — Today, Governor Mike Parson signed Senate Bill (SB) 1388 during a ceremony at the KC NExT construction site near the Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) managed by Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies (FM&T). Governor Parson was joined by Honeywell FM&T representatives as well as state and local elected leaders, including bill sponsors Representative Chris Brown, Representative Anthony Ealy, and former Senator Greg Razer.

"Missouri is on the move. Our economy continues to grow and businesses are finding success all across our state, including right here in Kansas City," Governor Parson said. "We're proud to sign this legislation today to help pave the way for nearly $2.5 billion in investment and thousands of high-paying jobs in the coming years at the KC NExT campus. This legislation is a testament to the success our state can achieve when government removes roadblocks and works alongside our business and industry partners."

SB 1388 authorizes a state and local sales tax exemption for all sales and purchases of tangible personal property, building materials, equipment, fixtures, manufactured goods, machinery, and parts for the expansion of the National Nuclear Security Administration campus in Kansas City MO.

For more information on SB 1388, click here.

About KCNSC:

The Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC) is a National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) facility managed and operated by Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies. The facility develops and manufactures non-nuclear components to assure the safety, security, and effectiveness of the Nation’s nuclear stockpile. It also conducts additional activities in support of the NNSA’s nuclear deterrence and non-proliferation missions.

KCNSC manufactures 80 percent of non-nuclear components that go into the United States’ nuclear stockpile. In FY22 alone, the Kansas City site processed over 7.2 million parts. NNSA and Honeywell FM&T currently employ approximately 7,000 full time employees who work from the 1.75 million square foot Kansas City National Security Campus.

About KC NExT:

NNSA’s operations at KCNSC have expanded significantly, so much so that current workload demands exceed the site's nominal capacity and may continue to increase over the next two decades, based on NNSA's current program requirements and projections.

To continue to meet its growing national security mission, NNSA has identified a critical need to obtain more office and manufacturing space for an expanding workforce and long-term operational needs. The plan being pursued – called the Kansas City Nonnuclear Expansion Transformation or “KC NExT” – will add 2.5 million square feet of new buildings for NNSA’s specialized engineering and secure, high-tech manufacturing to be built over the next 10-15 years.

The KC NExT campus will provide the infrastructure necessary to support thousands of high-paying jobs at Honeywell FM&T and with other NNSA contractors.

Governor Parson Grants 13 Pardons for the Month of June

JULY 2, 2024

 — – For the month of June 2024, Governor Mike Parson granted 13 pardons pursuant to Article IV, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Missouri. Official documents have been filed with the appropriate government agencies and have been sent to the individuals.

In addition to granting 13 pardons, Governor Parson denied 11 clemency applications. The Governor's Office now holds fewer than 100 pending clemency applications. When Governor Parson was sworn into office, he inherited a clemency backlog of more than 3,500 and has received hundreds more since. Governor Parson has prioritized providing individuals an answer, whether approved or denied.



Governor Parson Orders Capitol Dome to Shine Red, White, and Blue for Fourth of July

JULY 1, 2024

 — Today, Governor Mike Parson has ordered the Missouri State Capitol dome to shine red, white, and blue the evening of July 4, 2024, in celebration of the Independence Day holiday.

"The Fourth of July is a time honored tradition in this country when, as Americans, we come together to celebrate and remember the founding of our great nation and the freedoms we enjoy today," Governor Parson said. "As we gather together in celebration, we also remember the sacrifices of those who came before us. It is our honor to light the Capitol dome as a symbol of Missourians' unwavering patriotism, and the First Lady and I wish all Missourians a happy and safe Independence Day full of quality time with family and friends."

Governor Parson has also directed state offices to be closed on Friday, July 5, to allow state team members more time with their loved ones over the Fourth of July holiday. To view Executive Order 24-09, click here

PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST: Governor Parson Takes Action on FY25 State Operating Budget Bills

JUNE 28, 2024

 — Today, Governor Mike Parson signed the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) state operating and capital improvement budget bills, approving historic investments in the future of Missouri that focus on his top priorities since day one – workforce development and infrastructure.

"Today, we signed a conservative and balanced budget that focuses on two priorities that we know lift every Missourian up: workforce development and infrastructure," Governor Parson said. "By making strategic investments, using common sense, and spending responsibly, we've maintained our AAA credit rating, achieved the lowest unemployment rate in Missouri history, added 163,000 jobs to our economy, and cut income tax burdens by over 20 percent. We've done it all while making historic investments, like the Improve I-70 project, and leaving $1.9 billion on the bottom line."

During his 2024 State of the State Address, Governor Parson again called on the General Assembly to invest in infrastructure projects all across the state, including prioritizing Interstate 44 (I-44) expansion planning following the historic Interstate 70 funding passed by the General Assembly last year. The FY25 budget bills include billions of dollars for critical infrastructure projects:

  • $1.5 billion for broadband investments in rural and underserved areas of the state.
  • $577.5 million to pave the way for I-44 expansion from St. Louis to Joplin.
  • $290 million to boost road and bridge projects within the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.
  • $27 million to help upgrade Missouri's airports across the state.

Governor Parson has always understood that public service is about putting people first, a point he reiterated in his State of the State Address. He understands that putting people first requires Missourians receiving the necessary education and skills to meet the demands of the future so they, too, can achieve their American Dream. The FY25 budget prioritizes investments in both education and workforce development systems to provide all Missourians with the tools they need to succeed:

  • $367.7 million to continue higher education capital improvement projects.
  • $361.4 million to fully fund school transportation needs for the third year in a row. 
  • $121 million to again fully fund the K-12 Foundation Formula for the sixth year in a row.
  • $69.3 million for the Career Ladder program to reward educators who go above and beyond normal duties.  
  • $54.4 million for the fifth year of MoExcels projects and employer-driven workforce training investments.
  • $33.4 million for the Teacher Baseline Salary Grant Program which increases baseline K-12 educator pay to $40,000 per year (participating schools no longer have a grant match requirement).
  • $32.5 million core funding increase for state higher education institutions – marking a nearly 30 percent increase during the Parson administration.
  • $10 million to invest in semiconductor production research, development, and skills training.
  • $4.2 million for Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG-Missouri).
  • $3.1 million for Missouri Youth Apprenticeships.

In his State of the State Address, Governor Parson also emphasized the need to support early childhood programs, asking the General Assembly to increase child care subsidy rates and continue funding Pre-Kindergarten for all 4-year-olds who are eligible for free and reduced lunch. The General Assembly agreed and funded Governor Parson's recommendations:

  • $56 million for public and charter schools to provide Pre-Kindergarten programs to all students qualifying for free and reduced lunch.
  • $54.8 million to increase rates for child care providers.
    • Raising rates to the 100th percentile for infants and toddlers and to the 65th percentile for preschoolers and school-aged children.
  • $26 million for private child care providers to offer Pre-Kindergarten programs to students qualifying for free and reduced lunch.

Governor Parson is Missouri's agriculture governor. As a third-generation farmer who has maintained an active cow-calf operation throughout his public service career, including while serving as Missouri’s Governor, he has always kept fellow farmers and ranchers at the forefront. This year's budget continues support for Missouri's number one economic driver and improves the infrastructure necessary for farmers, ranchers, and rural Missourians to get their goods and services to market:

  • $100 million for Missouri's low-volume and lettered roads in rural areas. 
  • $11.6 million for improvements at Missouri's river ports.
  • $5 million for Missouri River Flood Resiliency efforts.
  • $3.5 million for the Agriculture Resiliency Fund.
  • $182,000 for the enforcement of Executive Order 24-01, foreign ownership of land.

In order to put people first and increase opportunities for Missourians' success, state government must also look to continually improves. This year, Governor Parson is approving investments in state team members and needed upgrades in the services they provide to Missourians:

  • $134 million to maintain, repair, and renovate state facilities.
  • $111 million to provide a 3.2 percent salary increase for all state team members – marking a 27 percent pay increase during Governor Parson's administration. 
    • The pay plan also includes a one percent salary increase for every two years of service (capped at 10 percent) for certain DMH, MVC, DSS, DOC, DESE, OA, and Judiciary employees working in congregate care facilities.
  • $19.4 million for statewide technology upgrades.
  • $8 million for addressing behavioral health care and other health care staffing shortages.
  • $7.2 million for Maternal Mortality Prevention. 

The Missouri FY25 state operating budget is approximately $50.5 billion, including $14.9 billion in general revenue. Additionally, Governor Parson issued 173 line-item vetoes, totaling $1 billion. To view the complete list of budget vetoes, click here.

"The use of the veto pen is not something I do eagerly, but today these vetoes represent the elimination of unnecessary pet projects and the protection of the taxpayer dime," Governor Parson said. "We may be leaving $1.9 billion on the bottom line, but that doesn't mean we spend for the sake of spending. I also remind legislators and the media that a fund balance does not always mean a surplus. We have obligations both this year and in future years that must be accounted for today to avoid future budgetary pains tomorrow."

The majority of Governor Parson's line-item vetoes center around four main factors:

  • Senate Bill 727 will cost the state an estimated $400 million more annually once fully implemented.
  • Necessary K-12 Foundation Formula increases are expected to cost $300 million over FY25 levels, beginning in FY26.
  • The General Assembly spent nearly $300 million more in general revenue over Governor Parson's FY25 recommendation.
  • The General Assembly grossly over appropriated Budget Stabilization Funds.

As of July 1, 2024, Missouri is expected to have a nearly $6 billion fund balance. However, fund balance does not equal surplus. A “surplus” suggests there are no plans for these funds, but in reality, more than 66 percent of Missouri’s fund balance has already been obligated for FY25 – meaning state government has approved spending plans that must be paid throughout the coming fiscal year. More information on Missouri's fund balance and ongoing revenue reductions and spending can be found in the PDF attachment.

To view the FY25 state operating budget bills, click here. To view an updated summary on Missouri's fund balance for FY25, see attached. 

Governor Parson Signs Executive Order 24-08 Extending State of Emergency in Preparation for Potential Missouri River Flooding

JUNE 26, 2024

 — Today, Governor Mike Parson signed Executive Order 24-08 extending the current State of Emergency declaration in preparation for potential flooding along the Missouri River over the coming days. Governor Parson first declared a State of Emergency on May 2, 2024, through Executive Order 24-06 in response to severe weather.

“We have seen the tremendous, destructive force of flooding this past week in neighboring states to our north and must ensure resources are available should flooding threaten areas of our state,” Governor Parson said. “This extension allows us to be ready to respond and support our communities. We encourage Missourians to follow their local forecasts and have preparations in place to protect themselves and their loved ones.”

Extending the State of Emergency ensures the state can directly assist local jurisdictions, allowing increased flexibility and capacity to support response and recovery efforts. A State of Emergency is also the first step required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to seek a major disaster declaration if statewide damages meet federal thresholds for Missouri.

Executive Order 24-08 will expire on July 31, 2024, unless otherwise terminated or extended. To view Executive Order 24-08, click here.

Governor Parson to Host Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl LVIII and LVII Lombardi Trophies at Missouri State Capitol

JUNE 25, 2024

 — Today, Governor Mike Parson announced that he will host a public viewing of the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl LVIII Lombardi Trophy as well as the Super Bowl LVII Lombardi Trophy at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City. The event will take place June 27 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

"We are excited to have this special opportunity to host both the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl LVIII and LVII Lombardi Trophies at the same time here at the State Capitol," Governor Parson said. "Missouri is proud of our back-to-back Super Bowl champions. We look forward to continuing this, now, annual event at the State Capitol and hope Missourians from all corners of the Red Kingdom will join us to celebrate."

The back-to-back Super Bowl Trophies will be displayed in the State Capitol Rotunda (1st floor) in a custom GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium backdrop.

The event is free and open to the public. Visitors will need to enter the Capitol through the main security entrance (south side) where they will then follow verbal and posted directions to the trophy viewing area. Attendees will have a photo opportunity with the trophy and state staff members will be present to assist.  


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Governor Parson to host public viewing of Super Bowl LVIII and LVII Lombardi Trophies 

           When:          11:00 a.m. - 3:00  p.m.

           Where:         Missouri State Capitol - First Floor Rotunda 

           Media:          Open

Governor Parson Highlights Success of Missouri's Southern Border Deployment

JUNE 13, 2024

 — Today, as Executive Order 24-03 expires, Governor Mike Parson highlighted the successful conclusion of Missouri's months-long Southern Border Deployment in support of Texas Governor Greg Abbott's Operation Lone Star mission to secure the Texas-Mexico Border. On February 20, 2024, Governor Parson issued Executive Order 24-03 activating up to 200 Missouri National Guard (MONG) members and 22 Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) troopers to support Texas' border security operations.

"We express our sincere appreciation to our MONG and MSHP members who answered the call to help secure the Southern Border and stop illegal drugs and immigrants pouring into our nation," Governor Parson said. "The mission has been a resounding success, significantly reducing daily illegal-immigrant encounters near Eagle Pass and seizing millions of lethal doses of fentanyl. Missouri personnel undoubtedly helped better secure the border and make our communities safer. For now, we welcome our men and women in uniform home and congratulate them on a job well done."

"We also greatly appreciate Governor Abbott for leading this charge. Every state is a border state, but thanks to Governor Abbott leading where President Biden and the federal government have failed, the rest of the nation can rest a little easier knowing their Republican Governors are fighting to help keep them safe. Should Governor Abbott and the State of Texas call on Missouri again, we are prepared to answer," Governor Parson continued.

"I thank Governor Parson for standing with Texas and sending personnel to join our historic border security mission, Operation Lone Star. When Texas was standing alone to hold the line at the border, he delivered," Texas Governor Greg Abbott said. "Missouri National Guard soldiers and law enforcement officers stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Texas National Guard soldiers and Texas Department of Public Safety troopers to secure the border; stop the smuggling of drugs, weapons, and people into our country; and prevent, detect, and interdict transnational criminal activity between ports of entry. As Missouri National Guard soldiers and law enforcement officers return home to the Show-Me State, know that their efforts made our communities, and our country safer."

To date, with the help of Missouri and other states across the country, the multi-agency Operation Lone Star effort has apprehended over 513,100 illegal immigrants and arrested more than 43,700 criminals, with more than 38,400 felony charges. In the fight against the fentanyl crisis, law enforcement has seized over 488 million lethal doses of fentanyl—enough to kill every man, woman, and child in the United States and Mexico combined—during the border mission.

MONG soldiers were stationed near Eagles Pass, Texas, and were directly involved in reducing daily illegal-immigrant encounters from more than 4,000 to less than 300. MONG soldiers also assisted in the capture of five individuals on the terrorist watch list.

Recapping Missouri's Southern Border Operations:

Missouri National Guard:

Since March 15, approximately 50 soldiers from the 138th Infantry Regiment, 110th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade have been serving side by side with soldiers from the Texas Army National Guard. Now, MONG soldiers have begun their out-processing in preparation to return to their traditional status in Missouri.

MONG soldiers maintained 24-hour security surveillance operations, with each soldier working shifts alongside Texas Guardsmen. This allowed for soldier safety and operational efficiency. Routine calls for service included detecting undocumented migrants coming across the border, helping turn back undocumented migrants to Mexico, and assisting with surrenders. Soldiers routinely intercepted undocumented migrants on foot and in vehicles and observed them until U.S. Customs & Border Protection officers responded to take custody and process.

MONG soldiers worked daily with their Texas National Guard counterparts and Border Patrol to expand their presence and deter migrant activity within their sixty square miles area of operations on the Rio Grande River, near Eagle Pass, Texas.

In addition to their surveillance operation duties, Missouri soldiers assisting Texas Army National Guard members in the area of the U.S. border provided assistance with the following encounters:

  • Undocumented Migrant Surrenders - 2,400
  • Undocumented Migrant Detections & Turn Backs - 1,000

Missouri State Highway Patrol Border Deployment:

On March 1, 2024, 11 MSHP troopers traveled to southern Texas to assist the Texas DPS in providing law enforcement services in the area of the U.S. border. The team briefed at the Texas DPS South Region Office (3) in Weslaco, Texas, on March 3 and reported to its first assigned shift on March 4. This team continued to serve in the border area until March 30, 2024.

On March 30, 2024, a second contingent of 11 Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) troopers traveled to southern Texas to assist Texas DPS in providing law enforcement services in the area of the U.S. border. The team briefed at the Texas DPS South Region Office (3) in Weslaco, Texas, on April 1 and reported to its first assigned shifts on April 2.

From March 3 through April 15, MSHP troopers assisting Texas DPS troopers in the area of the U.S. border provided assistance with the following incidents/encounters:  

  • Traffic Stops – 1,432     
  • Undocumented Migrants – 519
  • Undocumented Migrant Turn-Backs – 61
  • Impaired Driver and Drug Arrests – 69
  • Other Law Enforcement Assists – 105

Photos from Missouri's Southern Border deployment are attached below.

Governor Parson Breaks Ground on Historic Improve I-70 Project in Columbia

JUNE 13, 2024

 — Today, Governor Mike Parson kicked off the first project within Missouri's Improve I-70 Program with an official groundbreaking ceremony in Columbia. Governor Parson joined federal, state, and local elected officials along with members of the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission and its Design-Build contractor team to break ground on Project #1: Columbia to Kingdom City.

“Today’s groundbreaking is a momentous occasion not only because we’re kicking off our historic Improve I-70 project, but it’s a culmination of the bold infrastructure initiatives we’ve prioritized since day one,” Governor Parson said. “I-70 is one of Missouri’s oldest and most vital corridors. The safety and economic prosperity of Missourians depend on an interstate that grows along with the state and nation. Expanding I-70 to six lanes has been talked about in Jefferson City for decades, but our administration, in working with Senator Lincoln Hough and the General Assembly, is taking action and getting it done. We could not be more proud that the work we’re commemorating here today will continue serving Missourians for generations to come.”

“Today’s I-70 ground breaking kicks off a historic, once-in-a-generation investment that will benefit Missouri businesses, commuters, and tourists alike for decades to come," Senator Lincoln Hough, Missouri Senate Appropriations Chair, said. "I was happy to lead this project’s development in the General Assembly and work with Governor Parson to lead the nation in large scale infrastructure development. Expanding I-70 to six lanes has been needed for decades. It has been talked about for decades. Today, decades of talk turns to action. This project is pro-infrastructure, pro-business, pro-jobs, and, above all, pro-Missouri. We thank Governor Parson for being a leader in strengthening Missouri’s infrastructure as we look forward to continuing the strong foundation he has built on behalf of all Missourians.”

Missouri’s FY2024 budget from the General Assembly, signed into law by Governor Parson, provides $2.8 billion in General Revenue for the costs to build a third lane in each direction on nearly 200 miles of I-70, from Blue Springs to Wentzville. This first project, Improve I-70: Columbia to Kingdom City, is a $405 million fixed-cost contract that will add an additional lane to I-70 in each direction between U.S. Route 63 in Columbia and Route 54 in Kingdom City. The project also incorporates $123 million in previously programmed MoDOT projects to improve the I-70 interchanges at both Route 63 and Route 54.

“Thank you to the Governor and the General Assembly for their support in of this generational investment of I-70 for Missouri’s future,” said Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission Chairman W. Dustin Boatwright. “Today’s event in Columbia is just the first step to transform I-70 across the state. While we celebrate today, we are actively working on the next bid package, and we look forward completion of the entire I-70 corridor by late 2030.”

The planned improvements for Project #1: Columbia to Kingdom City from the Design-Build contractor Millstone Weber and its designer Jacobs Inc. also include new concrete pavement on all three lanes of I-70 in each direction of the project. Additionally, throughout construction two lanes of travel will be available in both directions of I-70 during peak hours. Construction of this project is set to begin in July 2024 with an anticipated completion in late 2027.

Those interested in details regarding Project #1 can sign up for project e-mails and view the designs at  For more information, call MoDOT at 888-ASK-MODOT (275-6636) or visit