Governor Parson Announces Launch of Website for Missouri's American Rescue Plan Act Funds
MAY 16, 2022
Jefferson City — Today, Governor Mike Parson announced the launch of a public website to help guide access to Missouri's American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The website,, enables visitors to learn about how ARPA State Fiscal Recovery Funds are being spent in Missouri. The website will also provide information on how Missouri organizations, non-profits, municipalities, businesses, communities, and other entities can apply for the State’s ARPA funds.
“We want to use this historic funding to make responsible investments that best serve Missourians," Governor Parson said. "This website provides a one-stop shop to see how these funds are being spent and also how to apply for funding. We owe it to the people of Missouri to be transparent in our spending efforts and ensure these funds are used in the most effective ways possible.”
There are certain categories of allowable spending under federal regulations for the ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. The eligible categories of spending include projects or programs that support public health expenditures; address negative economic impacts caused by COVID-19; replace lost public sector revenue; or invest in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure.
While some funding has been appropriated for fiscal year 2022, the Missouri General Assembly truly agreed upon and finally passed HB 3020 on May 6, 2022, which allocates a majority of Missouri’s State Fiscal Recovery Funds for specific purposes. Governor Parson has until July 1, 2022, to take action on the bill. Once the budget is finalized and implementation of the funding begins, additional information will be added and maintained on the website. Until that time, the information on the website will be somewhat limited.
As of today, the only grant programs accepting applications are the water, wastewater, stormwater, and lead service line inventory grant programs. The remaining grant programs will begin accepting applications after July 1 and into the fall.
Signed into federal law on March 11, 2021, ARPA includes funding for states and local governments to mitigate the negative impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic (State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds). Missouri was allocated approximately $2.7 billion in State Fiscal Recovery Funds under ARPA.
Per federal law, all ARPA funded programs and grants must be allocated by December 31, 2024, and spent by December 31, 2026.
To view the state's new website for ARPA funding information and opportunities, click here.